Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Teachers Left Behind

No Teachers Left Behind is the story of a group of teachers and staff members who work at Vilyon Middle School, a fictional school in Georgia. Like most teachers in the United States, these teachers are grossly underpaid and under supported. They are also verbally abused by rude children and parents on a daily basis. Even worse, these teachers have to deal with administrators who only care about saving themselves.

Forget what you have seen on those made for television movies, and forget what you have read in those “to good to be true” inspiring non-fiction books, No Teachers Left Behind tells the real story, through a collection of poetry, fictional emails, and fictional conversations, of what it’s like to be a public school teacher in America.

This is a humorous yet thought provoking novella that will have you wondering who is really being left behind in public education.


  1. Having taught at the middle school level in Georgia for 6 years, I can't wait to purchase and read your book. I am sure we have had many similar experiences. Are you still teaching?

  2. Hi! Sorry for taking so long to respond - I am still recovering from a knee surgery (and no it wasn't as a result of a student/teacher injury - LOL). I am still teaching in Georgia. Are you still teaching too?
